Wednesday, 15 October 2008

It's 2am

That's right. It's 2am in Krakow, Poland. I must be awake at 7am.
But, because I feel so guilty about not keeping up-to-date on this thing, and because I love you all so much, here's a very short entry. Actually, this is a bunch of crap because i'm too tired and rambling.

If anyone has made the connection already, Krakow is located near arguably the most well known Nazi concentration and extermination camp: Auschwitz. So, that's where we spent our entire day. The first half was spent at one of the camps, then we ate lunch, then went to another one. Then ate dinner. More on Auschwitz later. And some pictures.

Oh and i forgot to say, the reason we have to be up early (which really is not an unusual thing) is because we're driving all the way to Vienna tomorrow. Yeah, pull out a map and look up the 2 places. Then, if you're really feeling brave, look up the Czech Republic and find a small town called Olomouc. That's where we're stopping halfway through tomorrow for lunch and a tour of the town.

Did i mention that we had an almost identical trip just 3 days ago?? Yep, drove from Prague, through Olomouc where we stopped and half the group did the tour, then here to Krakow. As you can imagine, I hate coach buses with a passion at this point in time. There's this odd phenomenon that happens on long bus rides. The first part of the trip (usually in the morning) is mellow, with most people awake, talking quietly, journaling, and reading. After a rest stop or lunch break, the group then falls asleep, with less than 5% staying awake. This phase lasts at least an hour, sometimes much longer, depending on various factors. And then, after the next rest stop/dinner, the entire group gets a little stir crazy. This is when card games, loud music, laughter, games of toss, practical jokes, and dance parties in the aisles break out. So there you have it, the 3 Stages of Long Drives with Lots of College-aged Students. (and yes, that is the technical name for this particular theory.)

Umm.... looking back at the intro to this entry.... i apparently suck at "very short" entries.

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